MarxÍsm Theory And The Movie Machuca

Table of Contents

A general overview of Marxism

Marxist theory analyzes Machuca

The scene begins with the protagonist entering a room. They look around at the unfamiliar surroundings, feeling a sense of unease. As they take in their new environment, they start to become aware of a strange presence in the room.

The second scene showed a different setting. It featured a different set of characters in a contrasting environment.

The third scene featured a conversation between two characters.

The fourth scene sees the characters in a different location.

The fifth scene showed two characters conversing. They discussed a variety of topics, debating their perspectives on life. They expressed a range of emotions, from joy to sorrow, as they explored their different points of view.

The sixth scene showed a group of people having a conversation. They were discussing various topics and exchanging ideas. The atmosphere was lively and everyone was enjoying themselves.

A general overview of Marxism

Marxism is an ideology based on Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg and Gyorgy Lukac were close friends of Marx and have tried to maintain this belief system with continuity. All those who believe in this idea are trying something to help people. Marxism does not just focus on the world but also aims to find solutions to problems by applying Marxism to society, history, society and nature. Marxism was primarily concerned with and critical of management systems and living societies. Marxism began with the criticism of capitalism. Marxism refers to a thought-idea framework that tries and shows how capitalism works. Marxism criticizes every economic development that is built on capitalism or other forms of capitalist capitalism. Marxism is essential before all other economic systems can be considered. Marxism denounces social distinctions in a society and criticizes their classification. This is why Marxism struggles to create an equal system. Marxism attempts to end social discrimination and create a new classless, more egalitarian society. Marxism is a thought-based and openly offered to the human race in the name the brotherhood and peoples for the purpose of creating a society that is equal and without class. Marxism can be described as a socialist organization. It’s a socialist view of the world. Marxism is against classifying people. All classes should be united. This will result in all classes being destroyed. The key is equality in society. Marxism, in contrast to the exploitation or exploitation of any kind of person, is not a form of exploitation. It seeks equal rights for all. It doesn’t want to be divided in any social or class way. It is important that everyone lives on equal terms. It happened shortly after Salvador Allende (a Marxist Marxist) was elected to the presidency. As a result of the U.S. intelligence services and the ministry on foreign relations, the government took control. Unfortunately many people were hurt by the conflict and civil rights violations. Gonzalo Infante was a middle-class boy who is at the forefront of political events of his time. His father and his sister are sometimes the cause of his problems. The two classes were not in harmony and the head priest of the Private English School felt that this should be fixed. It was decided that the poor children of the society would be registered at the school, and that they would receive financial support through scholarship in the spirit of Allende’s reform of governments. Although the film is shown through the Gonzalo’s eyes, we see Machuca as poor students accept to the private school. Gonzalo is a friend to him and helps him in times of trouble. Gonzalo learned from Machuca both how poor people struggle and the true friendship. Machuca teaches him about the Santiago life. Silvana (Macchu’s cousin) is another character. Her charming, playful playfulness attracts Gonzalos attention positively. They sell flags at demonstrations and meetings to support Silvana, their father. Even though they may be randomly grouped and have many class differences, the relationships between the children show us that they can succeed together despite their differences. This shows how sincerity can overcome all obstacles and a variety of differences. The film’s first scene can be considered the most important. As a step towards Marxism, the Father brings along the children of the poorest class of society. He walks into the classroom and presents the children to them. They live within walking distance of the school. This question revealed that even schools have class conflicts. The class hears a child answer, “Sir that child knows that child, his mom washes my clothes in my home,” and we can then sylogize that that mother of the student who will receive the government scholarship is the servant/nursemaid of the private school’s students. The film clearly shows that poor families are more likely to have low-standard jobs in the working class. Marxism had made it clear that the education system was responsible for class inequality. Wealthier families invest their own resources in their children’s education and to provide them with opportunities for middle-class jobs. It perpetuates the inequality of class due to incapabilities of workers. While we talk about equality and education, we need to remember the traditional Marxists. They believe the current education system is not equal. The elites control the system and therefore it performs under their control. The Priest takes initiative to end these inequalities by taking the Allende’s decision to send the children from the poor to a private school. He also makes sure that they are not grouped together as ‘poor and rich’. That is a fitting example of Marx’s free-public education theory. This idea is underlined by the Communist Manifesto. Second SceneIt is the second scene. The newcomer takes his first swim lesson in the pool. The children of wealthy families who have been in school for many years jump in the pool quickly with various jumping styles. However, children from low-income families hesitate and remain a bit away from pool. The Priest arrives to teach the lesson and inspects the children. He becomes angry with the boy at the pool, who shouts to the poor and shy students “Let’s jump to that pool fooling them because they have black shirts.” The Priest suddenly shouts at him and addresses all the others. He takes out the guy and yells at him. It is clear guys? He asks everyone if they are sure. Then he walks out of the class. The shy and poor start to enjoy the sport, even jumping. The labor theory of value was used by economists to explain the goods market. The exchanges of goods influenced certain relative prices. It basically argues that the amount of labor required to produce the commodity should equal the number of hours needed to produce it. Karl Max and Adam Smith are the most well-known supporters of this theory. The destruction the labor theory value which is the exclusion of works can have a negative impact on relationships because the distorted capitalist system does not take into consideration the time an individual spent producing. This makes it possible for everyone to unconsciously judge the person, but only the meta (the product). Individuals who are isolated and have dissolved into themselves can only have a relationship with what they produce. To make it possible for isolated people to access commodities, the value relationship between the meta must be the basis of all social relationships. Consider the behavior of the boy swimming in the pool as a subliminal manifestation of the capitalist system. The ridicule of the black skinned man is an indication of how the system treats the ability of the rich family to produce more than the poor family. The Priest insists that everyone be treated with respect. I interpreted that Priest’s word as respecting the time and labor that was put into the work of others, regardless of their social status or social class. The Priest doesn’t explain Marxism in such detail to children, but that is not what I meant. Third SceneMachuca, Gonzalo and their one-wheeled bicycle ride to the Machuca town. They reach the Machuca’s poorest and most populated neighborhood. Gonzalo hesitates at first and considers whether he should go into the slum. He immediately decides to ride the bicycle with his friend and enjoys it, one in front of him and one behind him. They then cycle fast through the mud slum laughing. First, they meet the Machuca mother who works with the earthwork. She uses her shovel to dig and she is the one in charge. While they’re riding Gonzalo’s bike fast, she asks the children to make something for them to eat. It is now evening and they arrive at the Machuca house. Gonzalo finds it strange that the house and the food are so different from his city life. It is easy to see how he surprised the community in the slum. His question about the toilet was a funny one. He shocks once more when he sees the toilet at the outside of the house. It was not as clean as the one that he is used to. This is where we can examine many issues, including the Marxism theories and classes in society. It doesn’t matter how it is seen, class can be created by economic struggle and classes can create conflicts. These families from the bottom of society are those who are forced to work in low-skilled occupations so that they can earn less than Gonzalo and their family earnings. Here, Gonzalo represents the capitalist high-class person. However, as a child, Gonzalo acts unconsciously and doesn’t consider class differences. This is what makes it possible to provide transparency and social welfare. Marxist theory of class states that the main cause of the creation and maintenance of a class is the separation or division labor. The decisive element is the production relations. Private property in the production means is the key element that exposes classes. Modern society is made up of two main classes. These two classes are the bourgeoisie as well as the proletariat. Here, the Machuca family is shown not having man of the production or the private property as opposed to Gonzalo’s family. This indicates the two classes of society. Fourth SceneGonzalo and his dad go to a closed shop in the city with shutters and knock on the door. A man then comes inside. Because they are going directly to the shop, they don’t need to go into any other shops. They are actually able to see the issue when they walk past the shops, with Gonzalo holding a sandwich and his father carrying his father’s cigarette. The capitalists are becoming wealthier, while the average person and low-skilled workers get paid less. Primitive accumulation is the result of laborer exploitation. Low wages for laborer were offset by high profits for the bourgeoisie. Laborers had no opportunity to alter their current social status. Their employers increased their living costs, making the wage rise useless. The proletariat would remain weak and ineffective. Proletariat would be exploited even more if globalism brought new challenges. Marx is correct, as we can see that even those who are not working are able to be exploited and it doesn’t matter if they are dying of hunger. Although this scene lasted less than half an hour, it is worth mentioning because it has important economic and social implications. Fifth SceneGonzalo invites Machuca over to his sister’s party. They have a wonderful time and then they fall asleep. They hear the conversation sound of Gonzalo’s parents. They shout at eachother and use heartbreaking words. They discuss it in more than a scene. They were forced to become like the people they were before they could change. They were already victims of the artificial data-centric system. The bourgeois marriage was due to a number of reasons. The marriage spirit became a continuity of business. The marriage gave men the ability to manage the family’s affairs. The bourgeois marriages usually involve tensions, discussions, and anxiousness due to a lack in real life as well as marriages made with financial conveniences. Marx doesn’t necessarily mean all people are willing to go on that cruel path. But he believed the system makes everyone prioritize their financial affairs so people can have no sincere or deep relationship even while they are getting married. The real value of life is reduced and we are made to prioritize our financial needs, which can lead to oppression and resentment in our relationships.

Sixth Scene. The film shows how people line up to buy daily kitchen supplies. It is actually at the market where oil, milk and bread are sold. We can see that there are not many poor people in the queue, judging by the clothing styles. Gonzalo waits for Gonzalo to turn and buys two concentrated milk using the money his mom gave him. As he walks away, he sees Silvana. He isn’t in the line, but Silvana is selling cigarettes to the people. Silvana then sees the milks in Gonzalo’s bag and grabs one. Despite Gonzalo’s refusal to give her the milk, Silvana took it and made fun of him. The two of them go to a local place and share the milk. This is the Silvana’s reaction. She sells cigarettes and attempts to make money. This reflection could be considered a reaction to communist party’s ideals. This is Marx’s contribution principle’ analysis. This principle states that workers have the right to their work product. Contribution principle evaluates every person equally and naturally equalizes people. In order to measure unequal individuals on an equal basis, they must be considered equally as workers. The girls can only sell cigarettes, but they cannot get milk. Marx says that even though they have labor, there is a value to their labor. The boy is able to get the milk simply because he has the right circumstances. Unconsciously, she took one of the boy’s milk and convinced him to share one with her. She was thereby able to receive what Marx called “contribution principle”. In general, the film tells the story of three children from different social backgrounds caught up in the political struggle between communists and anticommunists in the Allende era. The film shows how politics affects the lives and economic decisions of children from both parties. One side is a community that has the capital to make a profit. This gives them the chance to get social welfare and a better education. On the other, there are low-skilled workers with lower life standards. These jobs have lower wages and bring anger together with social unrest. The film’s main themes, whether Marxism is true or false, can make it difficult to discuss. Marxism is an ocean that still needs to be explored. The theories were never put into practice. Marxism was very interested labor. He considers labor a key area for capitalist exploitation. It is essential to defend labor in order to fight capitalist injustice. Marxist theory also believes in the class-war. They view history as the struggle between the poor and capitalist riches and work to justify their theories. While one can find some conclusions about Marxism and social order in the movie, I believe it is difficult to prove that these symptoms are correct.


  • joaquincain

    Joaquin Cain is a 39 year old school teacher and blogger from the United States. He has a passion for education and is always looking for new and innovative ways to help his students learn. He is also a big believer in the power of technology and its ability to help improve education.