Most Emotional Video Game Endings

Table of Contents

Nier: Automata


The Final of Us

Brother: A Tale of Two Sons

Video game endings that are emotional are becoming rarer. Most of the games we play are either based on joy or anger. Only a few games can break our hearts and make us cry. Essentially, this is the goal of game developers. The developer will know that his game has been executed well when it is able to tap into the emotions of the gamer.

The most emotional video games endings will be discussed.

Nier AutomataWhile the video game is controlling our emotions, it also throws out fascinating ideas in order to evoke some profound thoughts. Nier: Automata is a game that combines both perspectives. It really mixes the two perspectives in something extremely incredible.Additionally, the way the story is told is likewise on the edge, it portrays enough of the characters and the world to make them authentic, while additionally letting a great deal of space for creative ability/translation.

To the MoonYou’ll play as two representatives of a business that alters the memories of people to enhance their life satisfaction. John is the customer and you need to look back at his past to understand what memories you can adjust. To reach his oldest memories, however, you must first go through his most recent memories.

John will become a very close friend as you begin to understand the many hardships he has faced. You will be amazed at the number of amazing moments and turns that you encounter as you follow his life. It can also bring tears to the eye when you see all his significant events and how he now remembers them. If you decide to play the game again, you’ll be able to see the many mind-blowing hints of past events.

The relationship between Joel and Ellie is the main feature of the film. She has been bitten but is not contaminated. Joel must take her where she will be used in a treatment or immunization. After some experiences, Joel gets her to hospital where he discovers the doctors will have to murder her for the required brain. He loses his mind and kills the specialists mercilessly while protecting her. She starts to shine and asks Joel to explain what has happened. He assures her that they didn’t need her and let her go.

Joel kills Ellie and her companion, who begged Joel not to make his decision. It is both touching and staggering. It’s a powerful explosion of emotion that will have you in tears.

Naia’s younger brother Naiee, and Naia with their mother now dead at sea, set off to find the Tree of Life in order to save their dad. They are unable to progress without each other. So it’s all the more tragic that Naia, who they try to protect, is actually a gigantic, bizarre spider.

Naiee, who is the younger of the two siblings, climbs up the Tree of Life in an attempt to reach the water. It’s too late. Naiee may make it back home, but we spend so much time with them that the loss of Naia is even more painful.


  • joaquincain

    Joaquin Cain is a 39 year old school teacher and blogger from the United States. He has a passion for education and is always looking for new and innovative ways to help his students learn. He is also a big believer in the power of technology and its ability to help improve education.